Welcome to Qingdao Steel Building Co., Ltd.
A “sag rod” in structural steel detailing typically refers to a tension member used to r…
1.Purlin: Its function is to transfer the roof load (wall load) to the beams and columns…
A portal frame is a type of structural frame commonly seen in warehouses, garages,&…
Common types of steel frame structures The three steel frame structures we’re going t…
All farmers know the importance of protecting their agricultural equipment, livestoc…
Steel Pig House Steel Pig House Steel Pig House Project Name: Steel Structure P…
Chickens are generally divided into three types: Broiler, Breeder, Egg layer hen. 1.B…
Steel Structure Frame 1.Good seismic performance: due to the good ductility of steel,…
The artical orignial from www.epackpolymers.com Steel Structure Warehouse A prefab…
Automatic environmental control Broiler shed H section frame with hot dip galvanize …
Project Details: 1. Primary Steel Structure: All the steel structure is hot dip…