Welcome to Qingdao Steel Building Co., Ltd.

sag rod

What is a sag rod in steel structure?

A “sag rod” in structural steel detailing typically refers to a tension member used to r…

steel purlin

Purlin & Girt

1.Purlin: Its function is to transfer the roof load (wall load) to the beams and columns…

Steel Portal Frame

What is a Portal Frame?

A portal frame is a type of structural frame commonly seen in warehouses, garages,&…

Steel Portal Frame


Common types of steel frame structures The three steel frame structures we’re going t…


Why choose a metal farm shed?

All farmers know the importance of protecting their agricultural equipment, livestoc…

Steel Structure Pig House

Steel Pig House Steel Pig House Steel Pig House Project Name: Steel Structure P…

Types of Chickens and Breeding Methods

Chickens are generally divided into three types: Broiler, Breeder, Egg layer hen. 1.B…

Advantages Of Steel Frame Structure

Steel Structure Frame 1.Good seismic performance: due to the good ductility of steel,…

The Benefits of Prefabricated Steel Warehousing over traditional ones

The artical orignial from www.epackpolymers.com Steel Structure Warehouse A prefab…

chicken farm house with chicken equipment project for Zambia

Automatic environmental control Broiler shed H section frame with hot dip galvanize …

Feed Mill, Steel structure Feed Mill-Angola

Project Details: 1.  Primary Steel Structure: All the steel structure is hot dip…